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Giuseppe Frega is currently Emeritus Professor at the University of Calabria (UNICAL). This title has been given due to the widely recognized outstanding merit for his long and brilliant career that led him to be one of the most influent Italian scientists in the field of Hydraulics and Hydraulics Works (aqueducts, pipe networks and sewers system).
Among the last major awards received during his valuable career, it is worthwhile to mention the “Claudio Datei” medal provided by the University of Padua (Italy).
Prof. Frega is considered the father of hydraulic research in UNICAL. Thanks to his activity, several field of research in hydraulics and hydraulics works rapidly grew over the last four decades, leading UNICAL to become one of the most important and active schools in Italy.
He was Rector of UNICAL for a long period (since 1990 to 1999) during which UNICAL achieved one of the most important development of its history. Moreover, he was head of the Defence of Soil Department and director of the Ph.D Course in Hydraulic Engineering for the Environment and Territory.
He was author of more than 250 papers on several fields of Hydraulic Engineering and published more than 10 educational books on Acqueducts, Sewers, Environmental de-pollution techniques, River basin Management.
As President of Italian Hydrotechnical Association – Calabria Section, he has organized more than 20 conferences, the proceedings of which have been collected in specific books and series.
One of his most meritorious activity is the ideation and direction of the conference “Tecniche per la Difesa del Suolo e dall’Inquinamento” (Technologies for integrated river basin management), organized each year since 1980. This is considered one of the most important conference in Italy and, during the years, the most relevant national scientists on hydralics and water engineering attended it. The proceedings of this conference are considered to be, for the Italian research community, a kind of encyclopedia related to hydraulics-based research, being composed of 40 volumes up to now.

Francesco Macchione is currently Full Professor in Hydraulics Works, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology at the University of Calabria – UNICAL (Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering – DIATIC).
He was introduced to Civil-Environmental research issues by Prof. Giuseppe Frega since 1980, focusing his attention on dam break problem. Over the years, he has becoming one of the most recognized experts on dam break/breach methodology, being his methods implemented in commercial software (see Basement developed by the ETH of Zürich – module Breach -Macchione).
He is the Scientific Director of LAMPIT (LAboratorio di Modellistica numerica per la Protezione Idraulica del Territorio – Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for the Hydraulic Protection of the Territory) that is a research structure belonging to the DIATIC-UNICAL. The main research topics are: flood propagation modeling based on 1-D and 2-D shallow water equations; flood generation due to dam breach events; generation and propagation of flood events at a basin scale; topographic morphological evolutions associated to flood evolution; mud-debris flow; urban flooding; river water quality; pressure management in pipe networks.
He is author of more than 150 papers dealing with civil and environmental engineering on both international journals and conferences.
He was Coordinator of the Ph.D Course in Hydraulic Engineering for Environment and Territory at UNICAL.
He is referee for the most important scientific journal on Hydraulics and Environmental issues (for example, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Hydraulic Research (IAHR), Advances in Water Resources – Elsevier, Journal of Hydrology – Elsevier).He is Emeritus member of the Italian Hydrotechnical Association (AII), Member of National Association of Environmental Engineering (ANDIS), Member of the Italian Hydraulic Group (GII), Member of the International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR).