
Located within the vast river valley of the Bagni river, rich in woodland while near to the sea, the Luigiane baths is the oldest and most renowned health resort of Calabria. The fame of the curative power of sulphurous waters of Guardia goes back centuries: Plinio the Elder described the near-by Cetraro (Temesa) which was noted through the Middle Ages as “acquae calidae Tempsae” then as “acquae putidae” and again as ” fons calidus “. The first document of the evidence of the therapeutic use of these waters is dated 1446. It is a letter in which the future St. Francis of Paola thanks the noble-man Simon of Alimena for the charity bestowed to a woman, who having fallen ill was sent to Guardia baths. The Terme Luigiane are the centre of many places, possible destinations for short trips: The Sila and the Byzantine Route, the Magna Graecia Route, the Etnie Route … (source: http://www.termeluigiane.it)